Stanozolol, or Winstrol, is a well-known anabolic steroid derived from testosterone with several molecular changes that give it its unique properties. It is available in both tablets and injections. Bodybuilders and athletes put Stanozolol on the third place of the podium among the best anabolic steroids, after Testosterone and Trenbolone.
In sports circles, Stanozolol became known back in 1988. It was then that the Summer Olympics were held in Seoul, where Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson set a world record. Athlete ran 100 m in 9.79 seconds. Later it turned out that he used Stanozolol. As a result common anabolic steroids, the athlete was stripped of the title of Olympic champion.
Features of the action of Stanozolol
Stanozolol was first announced in the medical and scientific community in 1959. The UK had a Winthrop laboratory that sold a prescription drug on the drug market. In 1961, the American company Sterling bought Stanozolol’s patent for the US market, where it was known as Winstrol.
In those days, the anabolic steroid drug was intended for diseases related to tissues and muscles. The drug has also been used to treat burns and osteoporosis. Stanozolol was also attributed to children with stunted growth. There was an opinion that the drug helps in the treatment of anemia, but later it turned out that this was not the case. Today, Stanozolol is used in the treatment of buy sustanon 250 injection online hereditary angioedema, which causes swelling of the face, limbs, genitals, intestinal walls, and throat. This drug may reduce the frequency and severity of these unpleasant effects.
Bodybuilders and athletes around the world choose stanozolol because of its reputation as a safe artificial steroid that does not cause much harm to the body. But here we must remember that any chemical preparations destroy the body.
So how does Stanozolol work?
Anabolic steroids are commonly used by bodybuilders to create lean muscle and burn excess fat. Stanozolol is no exception. It plays a very important role, because it does not allow water to linger in the muscles, which is important when drying. As you know, some of the hormone testosterone is able to turn into estrogen, which can lead to water retention. However, the amount of testosterone in Stanozolol is considered very minimal, which does not lead to such effects. Therefore, men should not be afraid of such side effects as breast enlargement.
The drug has little effect on increasing strength and muscle mass. As an anabolic agent, it is clearly inferior in effectiveness to testosterone, so some athletes use other anabolic steroids for these purposes. But bodybuilders and other athletes who need to add strength and muscle mass without increasing their body fat content choose Stanozolol.
Stanozolol also improves the production of red blood cells in the body. These are red blood cells that help carry oxygen to every part of the body, including the muscles. And oxygen testosterone enanthate dose, as you know, helps muscles recover faster. For this reason, many endurance athletes such as cyclists or track and field stars choose to use this steroid to enhance their performance.
Stanozolol reduces the amount of globulin and increases the effectiveness of other steroids. It has an exceptional ability and a high degree of stimulating and facilitating protein and collagen synthesis in the body. Female athletes choose Stanozolol because it provides anabolic (muscle building) effects with very minimal androgenic effects. For example, such as voice changes. In addition, the ability of Stanozolol to burn fat also makes it the most preferred among female bodybuilders.
Useful properties of the fat burner Stanozolol
– Improved blood production, building muscles and bones.
– Increasing the endurance of the body.
– Burns fat.
– Increases appetite.
In addition, animal studies have shown that Stanozolol not only improves muscle growth, but also increases bone density and stimulates appetite.