Testosterone plays an important role in the life of not only an athlete, but every man in principle, because thanks to this hormone, a man is a man. During puberty, the so-called transitional period, there is an increase in the hormonal background in the body of a teenager, namely Testosterone. Testosterone affects libido, erection, body recovery and quality of rest, as well as the psychological state and motivation for action and life in general.
Athletes, on the other hand, use this hormone to achieve certain results in sports, namely for significant progress, in comparison with natural training. In everyday life, this top anabolic steroids male hormone is prescribed by doctors for hypogonadism, and in sports, especially in bodybuilding for a wide spectrum of action, we list below for which ones!
Testosterone course for pros and beginners
The course of Testosterone in bodybuilding can be both solo and combined. With regular physical exertion, the body quickly gets tired, especially if a person is already over 30-35 years old. Unfortunately, usually by these years, the level of hormones drops significantly, by the way, therefore, the body is depleted faster. Many people who do not even go in for sports start taking hormone replacement therapy, but they put it in a therapeutic dose, from 100 to 200 mg of testosterone per week. This is not an exact recommendation for use, as everything is individual. For a more detailed consultation, you can contact the managers of the Steroid-shop.com.ua store and get competent advice absolutely free of charge.
For athletes, for example, bodybuilders and powerlifters, completely different doses are used. With an athlete weighing 80 to 90 kg, the usual dosage testosterone suspension injection is in the range of 500 mg per week. Of course, for the full work of the steroid, you need a full-fledged regime of training, nutrition and rest.
The duration of the course for amateurs and beginners “chemists” should not exceed 8-10 weeks. This time is enough for good results, do not forget about high-calorie nutrition if your cycle involves gaining muscle mass, and about a diet with a calorie deficit when cutting.
What can be added to the course with Testosterone?
Lots of options:
- Anadrol;
- Turinabol;
- Primobolan;
- Stanozolol;
- Trenbolone;
- Winstrol etc.
After the course, of course, it is better to conduct a PCT, this is a therapy aimed at restoring the production of endogenous testosterone and restarting the arc of the HHA. Such not cunning manipulations will help to avoid a possible rollback after a course 200mg sildenafil citrate tablets of AAS and forget about a possible deterioration in libido. Also, thanks to the use of the Testosterone hormone, you can fully enjoy life and not feel the aging of the body over the years, you will have motivation, mood and desire to move forward!