[expand title="Read full story"] PCT is an acronym for Post Cycle Therapy. It uses drugs that minimize the side effects associated with the use of steroid drugs. This is especially true if the course was long in time. Such events help the body to carry out a complete recovery and move into the desired physiological regime. Why is Restorative Therapy Necessary? If a man has been taking prohormones for a long time, then this can negatively affect the work of organs such as testicles. The hypothalamus controls the production of testosterone in the body. This hormone is responsible for the processes of division of cellular structures, the place of which is the gonads. Its scope is also spermatogenesis. If this process is influenced from the outside by where to buy furosemide taking certain drugs, then the gonadotropic hormone is produced in smaller quantities. On the other hand, when the supply of testosterone from the outside stops, then the processes of its production in a natural way occur gradually. It takes a certain amount of time to launch them in full force. It must be understood that an excess of testosterone is not a positive thing, since…
[expand title="Read full story"] These are natural or synthetic substances that are composed of amino acids. Everyone can choose their own variation of compounds in order to regulate a particular function of the body. Most often, peptides in bodybuilding are used in order to build muscle and get rid of excess body fat. Powerlifting peptides are a great buying anabolic steroids online alternative to steroids. Such a substance is quite difficult to detect during doping control at competitions, because the half-life is quite short here. Peptides are excreted from the body quickly and easily. These supplements can significantly increase athletic performance. Properties of peptides After entering the body, peptides provoke the production of hormones that are responsible for certain functions of the body. Hormones begin to be produced immediately after the administration of the drug, providing at this time the maximum effect. Representatives of one of the varieties of peptides release hormones into the blood not at the same time, but by increasing the peak phases of the body’s activity. The effect of peptides on the body Peptides initiate the restoration and rejuvenation of cells. With the help of peptides, decay products are quickly removed…
[expand title="Read full story"] What is Sustanon and what effect does it have? Before starting a sports career, many bodybuilders harbor the hope that they will be able to get into perfect physical shape on their own and in the shortest possible time. This is far from true. The problem is that each organism is individual and some features simply do not allow you to create an impressive torso from scratch simply with the help of training and nutrition. Many have begun anabolic steroids for muscle growth to resort to pharmacological drugs, which at times improve the effect. For example, you can buy Sustanon. It guarantees the achievement of high results and long-term effect. A mixture of various testosterone esters should definitely help those people who want to create the perfect body relief. Benefits of Sustanon The action of this substance is practically no different from analogues that contain the male hormone. Already after the start of the course, athletes usually note that they quickly develop high-quality dry muscle mass. Recent studies officially confirm that, on average, you can gain 6 kg of muscle per month. Of course, a more impressive result is possible, depending on which…
[expand title="Read full story"] Testosterone enanthate is an ester of natural testosterone. In bodybuilding, this is one of the most popular steroids for gaining muscle mass. Testosterone enanthate is a long acting steroid. Depending on the metabolism and hormonal background, the average period of action of the drug is 2-3 weeks (half-life is 6-7 days). In bodybuilding anabolic steroids testosterone, triathlon and weightlifting, injections are performed once or twice a week to maintain a constantly high and as stable concentration as possible. Effects and action One of the main benefits of testosterone enanthate is a pronounced increase in both muscle mass and strength (which is why it is highly valued by weightlifters and powerlifters), as well as pumping. Along with the anabolic effect, the drug has a pronounced androgenic effect. Rapid weight gain is associated with a significant accumulation of water, due to sodium retention and estrogenic action. At the end of the course, there is a noticeable phenomenon of rollback. Also, testosterone enanthate stimulates regeneration processes in the body. Increases overall tone, prevents overtraining. Increases the oxygen capacity of the blood. A problem when using testosterone enanthate in bodybuilding is its strong ability to aromatize, i.e. conversion…
[expand title="Read full story"] Boldenone undecylenate, also known professionally as Equipoise, is an anabolic steroid originally used in veterinary medicine. The drug was developed as one of the varieties of methandrostenolone (one of the first synthetic steroids, known as methane) with a longer duration of action. But, despite the molecular similarity, boldenone turned out to be completely different. In chemical terms injectable steroids buy, boldenone is a synthetic testosterone molecule reinforced with a double bond between 1 and 2 hydrogen atoms. This allowed the active substance to be compared with natural testosterone in terms of power effect. At the same time, androgenic manifestations from taking the drug are halved. Boldenone Undecylenate The structure of the substance is almost identical to dianabol, a well-known left-sided steroid (with the exception of the 17-alpha-methyl group, which ensures the passage of the drug through the liver without destruction). As practice shows, compared to the same amount of testosterone, equipoise shows less results. On bodybuilding forums, there is still often an erroneous comparison of nandrolone with boldenone and their combination is not recommended due to similar actions. It would be buying testosterone enanthate more correct to say that these steroids have…
[expand title="Read full story"] Properties of nandrolone The structural difference between nandrolone and testosterone is the absence of the first methyl group 19 in the molecule, which caused the spread of the name 19-nortestosterone. This gave the substance the ability to better stabilize androgen receptors. In other words how much do anabolic steroids cost, the time of action of nandrolone increases by about two to three times compared to the time of action of testosterone, and the longer the receptor remains activated, the more protein is synthesized by the cell. Application The choice of method of application of the drug is due to genetic differences. For some, nandrolone is simply a miracle cure. Others, whose body does not interact well with the “long esters” of nandrolone, are at risk of acquiring health problems. This result is due to the presence in the muscle fibers of a large amount of 5-alpha-reductose, when it is possible to replace 19-nortestosterone with phenylpropionate, or increased sensitivity to progesterone. In the second case, the way out is to use nandrolone together with stanazolol or to prevent the weekly dose from exceeding three hundred to four hundred milligrams. For athletes nandrolone phenylpropionate…
[expand title="Read full story"] Stanozolol, or Winstrol, is a well-known anabolic steroid derived from testosterone with several molecular changes that give it its unique properties. It is available in both tablets and injections. Bodybuilders and athletes put Stanozolol on the third place of the podium among the best anabolic steroids, after Testosterone and Trenbolone. In sports circles, Stanozolol became known back in 1988. It was then that the Summer Olympics were held in Seoul, where Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson set a world record. Athlete ran 100 m in 9.79 seconds. Later it turned out that he used Stanozolol. As a result common anabolic steroids, the athlete was stripped of the title of Olympic champion. Features of the action of Stanozolol Stanozolol was first announced in the medical and scientific community in 1959. The UK had a Winthrop laboratory that sold a prescription drug on the drug market. In 1961, the American company Sterling bought Stanozolol’s patent for the US market, where it was known as Winstrol. In those days, the anabolic steroid drug was intended for diseases related to tissues and muscles. The drug has also been used to treat burns and osteoporosis. Stanozolol was also…
[expand title="Read full story"] The drug is known to athletes of the past generation and athletes who achieve heights today. Belongs to the group of antiestrogens. professional sports require not only a lot of time, but also the use of various pharmacological agents. Many of the athletes take steroid drugs, which subsequently disrupt hormonal levels and lead to a number of side effects. To avoid the consequences, you need to include tamoxifen in the course, the price for most of this remedy is affordable, and the effectiveness is maximum. Helps prevent gynecomastia and virilization by accelerating testosterone production and normalizing hormonal levels. It is used both during steroid therapy and at its end. Professional athletes know how important it is to go through the recovery phase correctly, so they always take additional tamoxifen. Beginners, on the contrary, act contrary to common sense and try to recover on their own. Please note that after anabolic intervention, it is buy anabolic steroids online in usa difficult to force the body to produce hormones on its own, the period can last up to several months. During this period, all the collected indicators will disappear, repeated intervention will be required. Do not ignore…
[expand title="Read full story"] Testosterone propionate for use in powerlifting Testosterone propionate is an androgenic-anabolic steroid, which is widely used not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports disciplines, where a pronounced increase in speed, strength and endurance is also welcomed. This form was the first ether and the only one in types of anabolic steroids medicine, which was widely used in medicine until 1960. Many athletes try to buy testosterone propionate for such advantages as minor negative manifestations, a set of dry mass, an increase in strength. This is an indispensable product in the preparatory stage for the competition. Features of the drug Propionate is the fastest ester, so you have to inject frequently, which may not be very convenient. However, after the first injection, the athlete will begin to feel a surge of explosive power, which is due to a sharp increase in the content of the hormone in the blood. At the end of the consumption of the anabolic drug strongman under heavy loads will not feel tired for a long time. Undoubtedly, the instant effect of the drug is its main advantage, but before buying testosterone propionate, you must remember that it…
[expand title="Read full story"] Trenbolone Acetate is the most popular drug, a bestseller in the field of sports pharmacology. How is it different? We are talking about rapid decay, you will have to do injections every day. When athletes begin a period of frequent competition, this drug is indispensable. It will be quickly excreted from the body, has many positive properties, minimal side effects. Instructions for taking Trenbolone Acetate This is the most common anabolic steroid, with which bodybuilders quickly gain the desired mass how anabolic steroids work, increase endurance to achieve the desired results in sports. It is recommended to take this drug and other steroids at the same time in order to quickly gain weight, prepare yourself for the competition. Dosing regimen The optimal daily dosage is approximately 30-150 mg, but it is better not to exceed the maximum mark (100 mg will be enough). Trenbolone Acetate is taken by injection once every 24 hours. Usually this steroid is not taken in its pure form, it is combined with other drugs. This is Dianabol, Testosterone. The best effect will give a combination of 50 mg of Trenbolone Acetate and the same dose of…
[expand title="Read full story"] Anabolic steroids are something without which professional bodybuilders and amateurs cannot imagine their lives. They help to quickly get a beautiful muscular body with a pronounced relief, increase endurance and increase the intensity of training. Many novice athletes are afraid to use these substances, but the practice of bodybuilding proves that without them it is impossible to achieve high peaks in this sport today. For those who do not want to inject heavy injectable testosterone esters, but strive to build beautiful and strong muscles, the anabolic Primobolan Depot will be an ideal choice. The main active ingredient of the drug is methenolone ester. Primobolan Depot injectable anabolics are found in two varieties, differing in the duration of action in the body after administration. The first works on average for 14 days, the second is where to get anabolic steroids in america where to get anabolic steroids in america characterized by a half-life of 48 hours. The difference between them also lies in the frequency of injections. The first option is more preferable due to the fact that the introduction of the substance causes quite strong pain, but this increases the androgenic impact on the body.…
[expand title="Read full story"] Dianabol, also known as Methandienone, Methandrostenolone is one of the most popular drugs among anabolic steroids in the world. These are the trade names of the same substance under which the finished product is sold. Among the people, this product has spread under the term “Methane”. Methane, like most steroids legal anabolic steroids usa, is now produced everywhere. Today, the steroid does not lose its popularity and is widely used by bodybuilders and weightlifters. Inexpensive and effective, it is in many ways one step ahead of its counterparts. The history of methandienone and its uses Dianabol was discovered in 1956. The developers were biochemists from the Swedish pharmaceutical company CIBA Pharmaceuticals, who specialized in the synthesis of steroid hormones and were the first to describe the synthesis of methandrostenolone in the Swiss scientific journal Helvetica Chimica Acta. After that, a patent was registered for the invention of methandrostenolone in the United States. The drug was created primobolan price with the aim of treating patients with a weakened physical condition, with existing bone damage after severe injuries, for accelerated treatment after severe burns, in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis and pituitary dwarfism. Methane gained…
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